Category Archives: Motivation

Studying for your HSC?

It all comes down to this. Most of you will now have graduated and will be doing your final preparations for the HSC English Exams. It is a very stressful time, but rest assured that in a few weeks time it will all be over and you will never have to even think about area of study or modules ever again!

Over the next few days we will be posting study tips, notes and extra practice questions to support you through this critical time in your HSC year.

Today’s advice:

Simply reading your notes will not prepare you for your exams! You should have a concise set of notes about your texts, themes and how they relate to whatever your area of study or module is. However, the best way to practice is to actually try writing practice answers to questions.

Some posts that may be of use to you:

How to study for English Exams


Everything you need to know about HSC English-Exams


Remember that time is of the essence-you have 40 minutes to respond to each question. Practice writing answers under timed conditions, and get them marked by anyone who will read them- teachers, friends, family, tutors and even the writers of this blog (email:

It is also important to remember to study start, not hard. Take breaks, stay focused and most of all, find comfort and motivation in the fact that you are on the home stretch!



Success – Whatever it takes

The skills that you develop in order to do well in the HSC are not limited to just your school life. Successful people are not the ones that hang around waiting for opportunities to arise. They work hard and they are willing to put in the time and the effort needed to do well. Sometimes it is a little bit difficult to get motivated; huge amounts of work and the prospect of a dwindling social life can make sitting down and studying pretty difficult.

There is however light at the end of the tunnel. When you sit down to study you are building a productive skillset that if nurtured will help you propel yourself to the top of your field. Building skills is like putting together a snow ball. You start small and you keep adding to it until you have a sizeable chunk of snow that you can throw at the world.

Remember, everything you do is being processed by your body as a learning activity. Everytime you jump in the driver seat of your car you are subconsciously learning how to drive. If you take an active role in your learning and you make the decision to do whatever it takes to succeed you will far exceed the expectations that the world has for you. Most importantly you will see how much having faith in your own potential can achieve.

The mind is the most powerful muscle in the body.

Don’t believe me? See what Arnie has to say on the topic. Put in the effort and grind away.

Wake Up and Make Your Dreams Come True